Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Blogs Vs. Wikis

Some of the most informative reading materials on the Internet are displayed in wikis and blogs. Though the end goal for both is to inform, blogs and wikis are different in certain respects. To begin with, the former are informal, regularly updated websites made up of opinion pieces displayed in a chronological order, beginning with the most recent posts. Moreover, readers of the blogs cannot edit the blog post, but can leave comments at the end of each opinion piece (Gill).
On the other hand, wikis are formal group-authored websites that are updated whenever there is a new development in the topic being featured. Wikis are content-oriented, show factual information rather than personal opinions and the information displayed begins with an introduction section. Moreover, unlike in the case of blogs, readers can edit the content published on wikis (Cohen).
In today’s world, one cannot afford to overlook the importance of network convergence particularly in respect to the use of wikis and blogs. They not only allow individuals and groups to share their thoughts, opinions and ideas, but also enable people to readily obtain information in the comfort of their locations without having to go to a library. Besides, it serves as a tool for connecting people in the workplace.
Blogs function as a very important tool in marketing. Bloggers are able to work and collaborate with different teams in order to help them market their products. Seeing as blogs express personal opinion, bloggers can work on sharing their experiences with the products they are marketing, thus, enabling the readers to make informed decisions when purchasing them.
I feel that the use of videos in wikis has not yet been optimized. Their developers should consider adding more videos content to give the content a better look in addition to contributing to a better understanding of the subject matter. After all, people love visual content as much as they like reading written descriptions of products, events, and personalities. 
Works Cited
Cohen, Noam. "Wikipedia to Limit Changes to Articles On People." The New York Times, August 24, 2009. Web.
Gill, Kathy E. "How Can We Measure the Influence of the Blogosphere." WWW 2004 Workshop on the Weblogging Ecosystem: Aggregation, Analysis and Dynamics. 2004. Web.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Social Networking: A Purposeful Loss of Privacy
​The world is on a constant evolution, especially in the world of technology and science. The growth of social media in the world has been tremendous and progressive as people gain interest in the communication channels. As such, each platform that people apply as a means of communication has various advantages. For instance, the channels create an easy way of relaying messages across different parties. In addition, people can send pictures and videos across the platforms, which they can share despite being far from each other. Indeed, such advantages have benefited people around the globe, but there are several demerits associated with social networking. Invasion of privacy is one of the most prone disadvantages that affect the social networking platforms.