Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Next New

Technology is continuously advancing each and everyday. A new type of "New Media" tool that I feel would be really cool is a picture search. There should be some sort of app that allows you to take a picture or a screenshot of an item ( someone's outfit, jewelry, food etc) and then find the webpage where you can order the item if available within seconds. This app would be relatively easy to use.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Wiki So Far

In ordered to contribute to our class Wiki, I've been researching various contents. Contents regarding to how New Media and Sports intertwine with one another. I have many updates and recent references that supports how new media and sports are closely related. I also been looking at the current sports on our wiki, and look forward to helping correct and change any broken links that may be posted. I also been looking for any graphics that would allow the page to look more interesting.

Blog: P2P

According to Wikipedia file sharing is defined as the practice of distributing or providing access to digital media, such as computer programs, multimedia (audio, images and video), documents or electronic books. While peer to peer file sharing enables users to access these media files (i.e. Books,movies, and games) using a P2P software program that locates other computers that also connected with the P2P to search for media files. According to the article "Digital Pirates Winning Battle With Studios" people have been swapping illegal copies of songs, television shows and movies through the internet for years. The article goes on to mention how the slow download process generally used a P2P technology called BitTorrent. Now however, anyone can find free movies using a search engine instead of downloading.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Blog: Advice

New Media can be used to improve student learning. Students are able to collaborate with one another using tools such as Google Plus. Google apps are great for providing feedback. This is a great tool for professor to give their students feedbacks via comments at any given time. Google apps are also great for communication, in which staff and students are able to engage.

BLOG: Privacy

The social networking platforms are public domains that anyone around the world can access as long as they have internet connection on their communication devices. Consequently, they can view one’s details on the social platforms, especially when one has not limited the people accessing their profiles. In my case, I have received different unnecessary messages from unknown people asking me for money. I consider that as an invasion of my privacy since I do not recognize the senders of the messages and since they are out to con me. In other cases, I have received disturbing images that I consider offensive. Such access is almost uncontrollable and an act of privacy invasion. Social media platforms also present a suitable channel for hackers to execute their activities. For example, one of my social media accounts was once hacked, and the perpetrators sent unpleasant messages to my network friends. As mentioned, social networking is advantageous on different levels, but an invasion of privacy is significantdisadvantage that affects the users.    

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Creativity And New Media

Avakin Life - A Virtual World of Avatars and Char is an app that is available in Apple's App Store. This app allows users to enter in the virtual world and explore in a 3D world. 
You can begin by creating your Avatar, your given the option to choose from female and male. The app also let you pick your skin tone, eye color, hair style etc. In addition to choosing physical features you can design your own Avatar, Avakin have hundreds of different styles and looks you can choose from. 

Avakin Life offers their users to play 3D chat and message free of charge. Create, design, and customize your own character and apartment with things like furniture and décor. The Avakin Life allows users to "become the person they always wanted to be!"
Attached below is my Avatar I created using the app.


New Media plays an tremendous role in fostering creativity. A great example is blogs, blogging allows people to post what they want and comment their opinions on other's post. Infographic is another great tool used to foster one's creative. Wikipedia defines infographic as "graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly. They can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system's ability to see patterns and trends." Infographic boost ones creativity and let people use their imagination when discussing a topic or concept. 

According to, NYTIMES.COM, "Technology companies have been the most active in relying on others to innovate for them. This is in large part because the Internet lets people exchange ideas easily and rapidly with large groups, and computing tools let people design new products cheaply."  There are many ways that technology enhances creativity.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Virtual world is defined as a a three-dimensional, computer generated environment with cyber interactions. There are many ways that these virtual worlds can be used. Whether it's for business purposes, gamers or simply for interactions. According to, "New virtual worlds can be accessed via a web browser, rather than a downloaded program. It’s only a matter of time (months, not years) before we have these things available on our iPads and Smart Phones." CNN goes on to mentions how Rituals Worlds can have a major impact on autistic people. CNN.Com states "that virtual worlds are an emerging and important tool not just for autistic people, but for the people who know them." Ritual Worlds allows those who aren't able to fully experience reality. For example, autistic people are capable of exploring the Virtual World and still be able to encounter in a full life. Virtual also makes tourism more convenient, by giving a detailed view of the area. However, some disadvantages of  the Virtual World is becoming addicted. People may become addictive to living in these virtual world and neglects real life responsibilities. Another con, is that there isn't any rules or laws in the Ritual World therefore, users can say and do as they please. I think the "Second Life" future ventures will allow people to live a different life. Although we were exposed to a second life during the SIMS age; Virtual World differs because it's no longer 2D but would be 3D. A Virtual Life would be a great tool for someone who is afraid to expressed their creativity and be themselves in the real world.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Social Networking Sites

Blog About Twitter

Technology advances each and every day. New media plays a significant role on how individuals today can communicate. There are many ways an scholars can communicate with in each other. Whether it's through blackboard discussions, via twitter or even the traditional in class discussion. Twitter and blackboard discussions are closely related. However, I find it harder to communicate using twitter; being that twitter limits it's tweet to 140 character it's harder for one to really express their thoughts and opinions in only one tweet. Twitter is used for more simple discussions while blackboard discussions are more complex. Blackboard discussions are also more scholarly than twitter. Blackboard also provides more features so that students can communicate with each other better. In class discussions is a more traditional way to communicate. Using in class discussions allows the speaker to set the tone. It also allows the speaker to get their points across and allows the listener to better understand what's being stand. There are many benefits of in class discussions. Students are able to engage in dialogue and develop speaking skills. There are many pros and cons between each and every one of these scholarly and new media discussions. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Social Networking

Social networking can be used in various ways. Especially if one is looking to further its business. For instance employers and recruiters can use a social media as a tool to recruit candidates. In the article Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting, Maureen Crawford-Hentz a recruiter at Osram Sylvania, states "Social networking technology is absolutely the best thing to happen to recruiting — ever." Using sites such as LinkedIn allows recruiters to find potential employees in a matter of minutes. This technology greatly impact society, more jobs mean more money, more money means more spending, more spending means more job openings. A better economy is a better society, it's a cycle. Although social networking has its benefits there's always a dark side. Privacy, plays a big role in social media. People are able to steal others identity or even re-sharing their photo. For example, in the article Facebook Privacy Is So Confusing Even the Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn't Private, a stranger, who isn't  Zuckerberg friend had gotten access to one of her family photo. This goes to shows social media privacy isn't so private after all. 
I believe that the revolution of technology is going to change our economy for the better. As technology advances newer jobs opportunities will increase; meaning that new generation will introduce jobs that doesn't exist now. Every new job means a better economy. However, people have to be more mindful and aware of the things that they post. Sad to say once your involved with social media your profile isn't considered private anymore. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Blogs Vs. Wikis

Some of the most informative reading materials on the Internet are displayed in wikis and blogs. Though the end goal for both is to inform, blogs and wikis are different in certain respects. To begin with, the former are informal, regularly updated websites made up of opinion pieces displayed in a chronological order, beginning with the most recent posts. Moreover, readers of the blogs cannot edit the blog post, but can leave comments at the end of each opinion piece (Gill).
On the other hand, wikis are formal group-authored websites that are updated whenever there is a new development in the topic being featured. Wikis are content-oriented, show factual information rather than personal opinions and the information displayed begins with an introduction section. Moreover, unlike in the case of blogs, readers can edit the content published on wikis (Cohen).
In today’s world, one cannot afford to overlook the importance of network convergence particularly in respect to the use of wikis and blogs. They not only allow individuals and groups to share their thoughts, opinions and ideas, but also enable people to readily obtain information in the comfort of their locations without having to go to a library. Besides, it serves as a tool for connecting people in the workplace.
Blogs function as a very important tool in marketing. Bloggers are able to work and collaborate with different teams in order to help them market their products. Seeing as blogs express personal opinion, bloggers can work on sharing their experiences with the products they are marketing, thus, enabling the readers to make informed decisions when purchasing them.
I feel that the use of videos in wikis has not yet been optimized. Their developers should consider adding more videos content to give the content a better look in addition to contributing to a better understanding of the subject matter. After all, people love visual content as much as they like reading written descriptions of products, events, and personalities. 
Works Cited
Cohen, Noam. "Wikipedia to Limit Changes to Articles On People." The New York Times, August 24, 2009. Web.
Gill, Kathy E. "How Can We Measure the Influence of the Blogosphere." WWW 2004 Workshop on the Weblogging Ecosystem: Aggregation, Analysis and Dynamics. 2004. Web.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Social Networking: A Purposeful Loss of Privacy
​The world is on a constant evolution, especially in the world of technology and science. The growth of social media in the world has been tremendous and progressive as people gain interest in the communication channels. As such, each platform that people apply as a means of communication has various advantages. For instance, the channels create an easy way of relaying messages across different parties. In addition, people can send pictures and videos across the platforms, which they can share despite being far from each other. Indeed, such advantages have benefited people around the globe, but there are several demerits associated with social networking. Invasion of privacy is one of the most prone disadvantages that affect the social networking platforms.